... ``device.''1
While NFS does not use the network as a persistent storage medium, it uses it to communicate to servers that, in turn, store the files on local disks.
... machines.2
For example our department uses the Amd automounter and has seen more than once the severe effects of its aborting. Shells hang because of attempts to access auto-mounted paths in users' $PATH variables, so no new programs can be started. Long-running programs such as emacs also hang because they often perform file systems access for user files, auto-saves, auto-loading emacs-lisp files, etc. Within a few minutes of Amd's abnormal exit, the machine becomes unusable and needs a reboot.
... interface3
When I speak of the ``vnode interface,'' it should be taken to include the vnode interface that provides operations on files and the VFS interface that provides operations on file systems.
... ``chain''4
Actually a DAG, to provide fan-in and fan-out.
... ``prepare''5
In transaction terminology, ``prepare'' means to stop processing and prepare to either commit or abort.
... Skinner6
Both currently working at Sun Microsystems.
... Wrapfs.7
I do not change system call interface functions such as create(2); the kernel is responsible for calling a particular file systems' vnode operations, and those I may modify.
... portability.8
Most kernels (as well as Amd) were written in C, and cannot handle module linkage of objects that are written in C++. There are more C compilers available than C++ compilers, and C compilers generally produce faster and smaller object modules.
... backups.9
This is what's called ``security by obscurity.''
... unintentionally.10
At least once, we all have intended to type rm *.o, but instead typed rm * .o.
Erez Zadok